Day 14! Are you tired of azure water, dizzying canyons, and mighty waterfalls yet?

We woke up in Honeymoon Lake this morning and took a quick (cold!) dip in the rockflour tinted waters of the eponymous lake and then headed off to see the first of many impressive water features!

First off was the Sunwapta Falls. The waterfall was, like every waterfall today, jaw-dropping, but my favourite part of this visit was spotting a raven's nest, and I managed to get a shot of the raven leaving its little ravenlings in search of more food.

The Athabasca Falls stunned us with their power, and it boggles the mind that so much water can come through every single passing second. This was when I really started feeling like there was no way we could capture these incredible sights. Photos can't really capture the motion of the water, the sound, the spray, and even video doesn't capture the rumbling below your feet, or the way the whole canyon surrounds you.

North from there, we decided to take the 93A instead of the 93, as our guidebook suggested that this was the road less travelled. We were rewarded for it with another bear sighting during a picnic stop! Luckily, he was interested in every picnic table but ours!

Even the rivers that didn't make the cut for any guidebook or mapped viewpoints were staggering. We parked above what we think is the Astoria River, where I mostly climbed around under the bridge while Caitlyn took some very pretty footage for all of you!

After this point, we decided to bypass Jasper in order to see Maligne Lake while we still had good light. Along Maligne Lake Road we followed two wonderful hikes: the Maligne Canyon, and the Mary Schaffer Trail around the north end of the lake itself. At this point, we were so overwhelmed by all the beautiful water and canyons that I'm not even sure we can add much more than what I've written above!

Finally, we headed back to Jasper to find a campsite, stopping only to take a shot of the purple mountains over Medicine Lake after the sun set behind the mountains.

A few days after the solstice, and this far north, it's still light out at 10:30 at night.

June 24, 2018
Photo credit: Caitlyn MacMaster
Photo credit: Caitlyn MacMaster
Photo credit: Caitlyn MacMaster
Photo credit: Caitlyn MacMaster

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